Launched in April 2020, the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights (TFAIR) is currently led by the Netherlands and Germany, alongside FOC Advisory Network Member ICNL. TFAIR provides a space for FOC Members and the Advisory Network to promote human rights respecting AI technologies through sharing and disseminating information and collaborating on joint initiatives. Through engaging with ongoing international policy discussions and coordinating advocacy across different fora, TFAIR works to advance the application of the international human rights framework to the global governance of AI.
Within its mandate, TFAIR held the pen and coordinated the drafting of the FOC Joint Statement on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights presented at the Internet Governance Forum in 2020. Building on the Joint Statement and the previous work of the FOC, TFAIR brings together a network of diverse stakeholders representing states, academia, civil society, and industry, with a special effort to fortify perspectives and participation from the Global South. Through monthly meetings and learning calls on AI, TFAIR aims to increase the capacity of members to collaborate on relevant policy issues and contribute to a common understanding of international norms on human rights respecting AI.