Multistakeholder Collaboration

The Coalition’s Member States are committed to inclusive and open multistakeholder governance of digital technologies, including the Internet, and to foster sustained dialogue with external stakeholders to share knowledge and expertise.

To facilitate engagement with external stakeholders, the Coalition identified the development of a strong mechanism for ongoing multistakeholder engagement as a priority during the 6th Freedom Online Conference in Costa Rica. In 2018, the FOC Advisory Network (FOC-AN) was established to play that role through regular engagement with FOC governments.

In addition to engaging with the FOC-AN, the Coalition has welcomed input from external stakeholders including those from civil society, academia, industry, media, and the technical community through various activities and events. These include the periodic Freedom Online Conference, and through regional consultations, which were most recently held with stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Middle East and North Africa regions during 2022 to support the development of the FOC Ottawa Agenda. 

FOC Advisory Network

The FOC Advisory Network (FOC-AN) is an independent multistakeholder group composed of civil society, academia and private sector representatives who provide advice on aims, objectives and activities, as well as support the FOC’s mission of advancing Internet freedom and human rights online through its working methods.

FOC Sub-Entities

The FOC’s Task Forces & Working Groups provide a mechanism for focused and issue-based engagement, supporting the implementation of FOC statements, other outputs, and recommendations. Task Forces and Working Groups are led by FOC Member States, often in collaboration with Advisory Network Members, and facilitate capacity building, coordination on key policy issues, and are a channel for regular communication, enabling tangible outcomes. 

Current FOC Sub-Entities

Previous FOC Sub-Entities

Digital Defenders Partnership

Through the Digital Defenders Partnership (DDP), several Coalition countries support efforts to respond to digital threats and to create resilient and sustainable networks of support to human rights defenders. DDP is managed by the Dutch NGO Hivos. Further information can be found by visiting: