The FOC strives to drive concrete policy solutions through the shaping of global normative language via diplomatic coordination and multistakeholder engagement.

Diplomatic Coordination

Diplomatic coordination is at the heart of the FOC. As Internet freedom becomes increasingly interlinked with other international policy discussions, so does the need for coordinated action to support it.

The Coalition offers its members a unique informal diplomatic space to share information and concerns about current developments that threaten to compromise Internet freedom around the world, and facilitates coordination in relevant forums to advance an open, free and secure Internet. 

Shaping Global Norms

In addition to coordinating participation in relevant fora, the FOC also acts as a platform to bring worrying or positive developments related to online freedoms to the attention of its members, and issue joint reactions and commentary.

Through efficient and direct information sharing, the Coalition can react quickly to recent developments and deliberate them in an informal setting among governments who are governed by the same principles of Internet freedom.

Freedom Online Conference

Periodically, the FOC holds a multistakeholder Conference that aims to deepen the discussion on how freedom of expression on the Internet is helping to promote social, cultural and economic development. The Conference offers an open platform for discussion among all stakeholders – governments, civil society, the private sector, and others – to share relevant information, develop joint strategies and combine efforts towards their mutual goal of a human-rights based Internet. 

Multistakeholder Collaboration

The Coalition has made continuous efforts to engage civil society and the private sector in a constructive dialogue on pressing issues related to Internet freedom and digital rights and serves as a unique avenue for direct engagement with high-level government representatives.

Advisory Network

The Coalition identified as a priority the need to create a strong mechanism for ongoing multistakeholder engagement. The FOC Advisory Network (FOC-AN) was established to play that role through regular engagement with FOC governments.

Ad Hoc Task Forces & Working Groups

The FOC’s ad hoc Task Forces & Working Groups provide a mechanism for focused and issue-based engagement, facilitiating substantive contibributions by the FOC on key Internet Freedom issues. These working groups are able to run continuously throughout the year and in-between physical FOC meetings.

Present Task Forces & Working Groups include: