Taiwan becomes an Observer of the Freedom Online Coalition

The Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) is pleased to welcome Taiwan as an Observer of the Coalition.

Over recent years, Taiwan has demonstrated a commitment to strengthening its digital governance through the development of systems and platforms to facilitate and encourage greater civic engagement in domestic policy. Taiwan launched its Open Government National Action Plan and Open Parliament Action Plan in early 2021 to strengthen participatory democracy, and established a new Ministry of Digital Affairs in mid-2022 to further promote digital inclusion and democracy networks.

Taiwan has reaffirmed its commitment to advance a positive vision for the lnternet and digital technologies as a signatory to the Declaration for the Future of the Internet, and has been an active participant in various international initiatives that align with the FOC’s mission to promote and protect fundamental freedoms, both online and offline, worldwide.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, Dr. Jaushieh Joseph Wu, said:

“Taiwan is fully committed to promoting internet freedom and safeguarding fundamental human rights. The people and government of Taiwan are resolute in their commitment to democracy.”

As an Observer, Taiwan will be invited to support the FOC’s efforts to promote a rules-based, democratic, and inclusive world where the use of the Internet and digital technologies reinforces human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The role of an Observer is further outlined in section III.c. of the FOC’s Stockholm Terms of Reference, which is available to view here.

The FOC is delighted to welcome Taiwan as an Observer, and looks forward to working collaboratively to support the Coalition’s mission and values, as outlined in the underpinning documents. For further information, please visit the ‘Get Involved’ page of the FOC website. 


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