Slovenia Becomes the 40th Member of the Freedom Online Coalition

The Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) is pleased to welcome Slovenia as its 40th Member. 

Over recent years, Slovenia has shown a strong commitment to respecting human rights online, both domestically and through its participation in key international forums and initiatives. Through engagement in multilateral and multistakeholder initiatives, and past participation in Coalition activities, Slovenia has demonstrated alignment with the FOC’s core principles. 

Domestically, the Government of Slovenia has taken steps to advance the country’s digital transformation through the Digital Slovenia 2030 Strategy, including through efforts to  enhance digital literacy, establishing the basis for modern data and digital economy, improving the abilities of public administration to innovate and use the data, and supporting artificial intelligence research and skills development. Slovenia’s National Programme to Promote the Development and Use of AI in the Republic of Slovenia by 2025 provides the framework for the systemic support, regulation and implementation of all activities related to artificial intelligence in Slovenia, showcasing the country’s progress to utilise new and emerging technologies for the benefit of society. 

Slovenia is an active member of various international organisations and initiatives, and has been a signatory to numerous statements calling on governments to fulfil their obligations under international human rights law. Slovenia is also a founding member of the Equal Rights Coalition, and has advocated for the rights of marginalised communities, in addition to drawing attention to egregious violations of human rights in various regions. 

The Slovenian Government is an active proponent of cyber capacity building, demonstrating leadership in this area through the establishment of the Western Balkans Cyber Capacity Centre (WB3C), together with France and in partnership with Montenegro. The Centre aims to build capabilities, resilience and security in the Western Balkans through training programs, in addition to fostering both regional and International cooperation. 

Slovenia’s support of principles aligned with the FOC’s mission have been further demonstrated through its endorsement of texts including the Declaration for the Future of the Internet, whereby Slovenia signalled its commitment to protect and strengthen the multistakeholder system of Internet governance. Furthermore, Slovenia has actively participated in Coalition events open to external stakeholders, and in 2023 endorsed the FOC Guiding Principles on Government Use of Surveillance Technologies.

On becoming a member of the Freedom Online Coalition, Mr. Marko Štucin, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia stated:

“Slovenia is proudly becoming a member of the Freedom Online Coalition. We have always been dedicated to ensuring an open, secure, and inclusive internet for all and will continue to do so in the future. The Coalition’s values of upholding and promoting digital rights and freedoms align with our commitment for a secure, trusted and resilient cyberspace. This membership therefore underlines Slovenia’s role as an advocate for human rights in the digital realm. Our commitment is to work with international stakeholders in setting global norms to protect fundamental freedoms and human rights online and in the digital world.”

As the Coalition’s 40th Member, Slovenia has pledged to uphold and advance the Coalition’s shared goals and values as outlined in the FOC Founding Declaration, the Helsinki Declaration, the Ottawa Agenda, and other foundational documents. Slovenia will actively participate in the Coalition’s activities, sub-entities, and diplomatic networks, collaborating with Members to advance the FOC’s mission worldwide. 

The Coalition looks forward to working with Slovenia to advance Internet freedom and protect human rights, both online and offline. 


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