Freedom Online Conference

Periodically, the FOC holds a multistakeholder conference that aims to deepen the discussion on how freedom of expression on the Internet is helping to promote social, cultural and economic development.

The conference offers an open platform for discussion among all stakeholders – governments, civil society, the private sector, and others – to share relevant information, develop joint strategies and combine efforts towards their mutual goal of a human rights based Internet.

The multistakeholder conferences provide a space for civil society to discuss issues of concern and share their perspectives on an equal footing with key governments. This is encouraged through funding packages provided by the Coalition and aimed especially at civil society participants from the global South, and the region in which the respective conference is taking place. In Tunis, an NGO steering committee assisted in setting the Conference agenda and was able to suggest topics, moderators and speakers for the Conference sessions. In Tallinn, a multistakeholder group drafted a set of recommendations for Freedom Online that were subsequently approved by the FOC governments as the Tallinn Agenda – Recommendations for Freedom Online.