Government Members

Aspiring Members

The Coalition is constantly expanding and open to additional countries who have demonstrated a strong commitment to human rights and Internet freedom around the globe.

Countries interested in membership may contact the Support Unit and/or the current Chair of the Coalition. An existing Member may also refer a country for membership to the Chair. Full details of the application process can be found in section III.a. of the FOC Terms of Reference. To contact the Support Unit please use the contact form or send an email to info (at)

Aspiring members’ applications are assessed based on their domestic record when it comes to respecting human rights online, the countries voting record in international fora on Internet freedom issues, and the degree to which the country takes a proactive role on furthering Internet freedom in its foreign policy. The Coalition further looks to ensure wide geographical representation.

The Steering Committee may at its discretion offer ‘Observer’ status for state or non-state entities that are interested in joining the FOC, but lack the resources to make a full commitment, and/or are invited to become observers after being unable to obtain membership through the application process. Further information can be found in section III.c. of the FOC Terms of Reference

Other Ways to Engage

You can also get in touch with us with any questions you may have on the Coalition’s main activities. FOC member states work together to advance Internet freedom by coordinating their diplomatic efforts, sharing information about current developments, and voicing concerns over measures that curtail human rights online. In addition, the Coalition provides a platform for multistakeholder engagement through its Advisory Network, ad hoc Task Forces & Working Groups, and makes continuous efforts to engage civil society and the private sector in a constructive dialogue on pressing issues related to Internet freedom and digital rights.

The FOC also periodically organises a multistakeholder conference that aims to deepen the discussion on how online freedoms are helping to promote social, cultural and economic development. The FO Conference attracts delegates from government, civil society, the private sector, and others stakeholder groups, and offers an open platform for discussion, information sharing, developing joint strategies and combining efforts towards their mutual goal of a human rights-based Internet.