Colombia Becomes the 41st Member of the Freedom Online Coalition

The Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) is pleased to welcome Colombia as its 41st Member.

Over recent years, Colombia has demonstrated its commitment to upholding human rights online, both domestically and through participation in key international initiatives. Through its active engagement in multilateral and multistakeholder initiatives and endorsement of FOC outputs, Colombia has demonstrated its support of the FOC’s mission to promote and protect human rights, both online and offline.

Domestically, the Government of Colombia has made strides toward advancing digital transformation through the National Digital Strategy 2023-2026. This strategy outlines efforts to bridge digital divides, enhance digital literacy, and ensure access to modern digital infrastructure, particularly in remote areas, while emphasising digital trust, security, and the responsible use of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Colombia is an active participant in various international organizations and bodies that promote democracy, transparency, and open governance. As a member of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Open Government Partnership (OGP), Colombia has aligned with efforts to promote civic participation and digital freedoms. Colombia has endorsed the Declaration for the Future of the Internet, reaffirming its belief in the potential of digital technologies to promote connectivity, democracy, peace, the rule of law, sustainable development, and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms

Colombia’s commitment to the FOC’s mission and safeguarding human rights in the digital age is further demonstrated through its engagement with FOC members and support of key Coalition principles, as well as its recent endorsement of Coalition outputs including the Guiding Principles on Government Use of Surveillance Technologies and the Joint Statement on the UN Convention Against Cybercrime. 

As the Coalition’s 41st Member, Colombia has pledged to support and advance the shared values of the FOC, as outlined in its Founding Declaration, Helsinki Declaration, Ottawa Agenda, and other foundational documents. 

The Freedom Online Coalition looks forward to working with Colombia to advance Internet freedom and protect human rights, both online and offline.


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